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Local, state and federal regulations for industries are constantly changing. At Wessler Engineering, we work with industries to prepare the plans and permits required to comply with these regulations. In addition to the need for compliance assistance or site development for a facility expansion, industries also are likely to need wastewater treatment, new or upgraded electrical systems and an emergency action plan. Additionally, many industries are making a push to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
We are able to assist our industrial clients with plan updates or regulatory reporting, providing hazardous waste training, conducting routine audits and inspections, designing site development improvements, wastewater and sewer system upgrades, and new or upgraded power, lighting and control systems. Whatever the solution, we work to complete each project successfully, within budget and on time.
Our Services
Pollution Prevention and Spill Planning
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- Stormwater Permits
- Site Compliance Evaluations
- Slug Discharge Control Plans
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
- Compliance Inspections
- Creation of Best Management Practices
- Plan Creation and P.E. Certification
Site Development
- Drainage Design
- Grading Plans
- Utility Planning
- Stormwater Quality and Detention Design
Wastewater Engineering
- Hydraulic Capacity Studies
- Industrial Pretreatment Programming
- Inflow/Infiltration Analysis
- System Development and Expansion Feasibility
- Treatment Plant Upgrade, Expansion, and Improvements
- Wastewater and Sewer System Evaluation and Rehabilitation
Industrial Wastewater
- Compliance Audits
- Compliance Monitoring
- Construction Permit Submittals
- Operation and Maintenance Manual Development
- Pretreatment Permit Applications and Renewals
- Recordkeeping/Reporting to POTW
- Re-engineering Suggestions
- Slug Control Plans
- Standard Operation Procedures Manual Development
- Toxic Organic Management Plans
- Troubleshooting, System Analysis and Optimizing Processes
Waste Management
- Waste Characterization, Identification and Analysis
- Hazardous Waste Contingency Plans
- Facility Inspections
- Annual/Biennial Reporting
- Waste Minimization/Reduction Assessments
- Universal Waste Management
- Electronics Waste Management
- Used Oil Management
Process Energy Audits
- Industrial Pretreatment System Audits
- Evaluation of Energy, Chemicals, Sludge Disposal, Labor, Plant Treatment Efficiency, and Organic Loading Capacity for Non-capital Annual Cost Savings
- Process Implementation
Electrical Engineering
- Power Distribution Systems
- Standby Power Systems
- Motor Control Systems
- Instrumentation and Control Systems
- Lighting Systems
- Air Compliance Procedural Training
- SWPPP Training
- SPCC Plan Training
- Hazard Communications and GHS Training
- Waste Training
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA)
- Extremely Hazardous Substance Reporting (Section 302)
- Material Safety Data Sheet Reporting (Section 311)
- Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory (Tier II) Reporting (Section 312)
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI, Form R/A) Reporting (Section 313)
Air Management
- Permit Program Determinations (potential to emit calculations)
- NESHAP Area and Major Source Standards
- Permit Compliance Demonstration
- Compliance Manual Development
- Development of Standard Operation Procedures Manual
- Development of Recordkeeping Procedures
- Preparation of Compliance Reporting
- Annual Compliance Certifications
- Preparation of Emissions Reporting
Additional Services
- Hazardous Materials Security Plan
- Emergency Action Plan (29 CFR 1910.38)
- Hazard Communication Plans (29 CFR 1910.1200)
- Self-Check Compliance Audits
- Independent Audits