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Storms are capable of dropping significant amounts of water quickly on a community. If a community has drainage issues, those problems can lead to standing water on streets and sidewalks. Not only is it an inconvenience, but long-term standing water also can cause health concerns for community residents.
At Wessler, we understand these problems. We work with our clients to solve issues like these by designing new storm sewers, hybrid ditches, roadside ditches and culverts. We also can rehabilitate existing systems and design detention and retention ponds. Ever conscious of environmental concerns, we evaluate sustainable design options in each of our stormwater drainage projects. We believe investigation is the best first step toward solving any stormwater problem.
Our goal is to create efficiency for our clients by utilizing new and proven technologies in stormwater management. No matter the size or complexity of the project, we provide expert knowledge and service. We also are familiar with funding agencies and can assist clients in applying for project grants and loans. If a client does not have a fund dedicated to stormwater, our engineers are happy to assist with starting a stormwater utility.
William J. Leber, P.E., LEED AP
Stormwater Group Head and Vice President of IT
- (317) 788-4551
- Bill Leber
Our Services
Preliminary Engineering and Studies
- Floodplain/Floodway Analysis
- Hydraulic Modeling
- Stormwater Master Plans
- Watershed Studies
- Preliminary Engineering Reports (PER)
- Local Funding Format
- Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Funding Format
- State Revolving Fund (SRF) Funding Format
Design Services
- Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Mitigation
- Detention/Retention Design and Analysis
- Drainage Improvement Design
- Green Infrastructure Design
- Outfall Rehabilitation
- Stormwater Collection System Design
Additional Services
- Bidding
- Construction Administration and Observation
- Flood Insurance Map Revisions
- Funding Guidance
- Permitting and Environmental Services
- Regulatory Compliance
- Stormwater Collection System Mapping / GIS Integration
- Stormwater Utility Formation and Planning