(From left to right) Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Paula Scott, Village of Bluffton Administrator Jesse Blackburn, Wessler Engineering CEO Marty Wessler, Senior Project Manager Ryan Brauen, Engineer Austin Wurm, and Engineer Ben Schroeder.
Having relocated from their original office site, Wessler’s Ohio team of Senior Project Manager Ryan Brauen and Engineers Ben Schroeder and Austin Wurm hosted a ribbon cutting and open house for the Bluffton business community, friends, and family to celebrate their new location and extend their appreciation for the business opportunities in the area.
Joining the local team, CEO Marty Wessler, Vice President Mary Atkins, Senior Project Manager Jim Kovacs, Senior Marketing Strategist Susan Nelson, and Marketing Assistant Seth Morin greeted approximately 30 guests, including Chamber of Commerce members, project partners, and community stakeholders during the event.
Wessler joined Brauen, Schroeder, Wurm, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Paula Scott, and Village of Bluffton Administrator Jesse Blackburn in cutting the ribbon to officially open Wessler’s new and expanded office in the Buckeye State.