We are proud to announce that four interns have joined the Wessler team for our summer internship program! Anne Hays and Nathan Zweig are working out of our Indianapolis office, while Sam Allbritten is gaining experience in our Fort Wayne office and Austin Wurm in our Bluffton, Ohio location. We asked the four of them some questions so we can get to know them better before they head back to school this fall.
Where are you going to school? For what degree? Expected graduation date?
Anne: I am studying environmental and ecological engineering at Purdue University and will graduate in May 2019.
Austin: I currently attend Ohio Northern University in Ada, OH. I am working towards earning my Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering and a minor in Business Administration. I am now a senior and plan to graduate in May 2019.
Nathan: I am going to Purdue University for Environmental and Ecological Engineering (EEE) and will be graduating in 2021.
Sam: I am currently attending Hope College in Holland, MI. I am studying Civil Engineering for my major, with a minor in Mathematics. I am expected to graduate in December of 2019.
What has attracted you to the civil engineering industry?
Anne: I have always been really interested in water treatment and providing people with access to clean water. The civil engineering industry allows me to do this on a large scale.
Austin: I grew up on a farm where I was always outside either working on or building something, and my uncle is part-owner of a construction company in my hometown. Together, they helped lead me towards civil engineering where I could work with the design and construction of a variety of projects, have the ability to work both in and out of the office, and have an impact in and around many communities. I also liked the variety of work you can choose to do with civil engineering (transportation, structural, geotechnical, surveying, environmental, water resources, etc.).
Nathan: Civil engineering has a lot of environmental angles to it, and improving facilities to help the environment interests me.
Sam: Many things have attracted me to the civil engineering industry; however, one main interest of mine is the amount of variety within the industry to continuously be a part of multiple projects and no one day be the same!
Are you involved with any organizations at school or outside of it?
Anne: I am involved in the Purdue University Dance Marathon that raises funds for Riley Hospital for Children. I am on the Riley Relations committee where we get paired with a family that has a child at Riley.
Austin: At school, I am on the ONU concrete canoe team, men’s basketball team, Tau Beta Pi, College of Engineering Dean’s Team, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Nathan: I am involved in the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity at Purdue.
Sam: I am currently a soccer player for Hope College, president of Athletes in Action at Hope College, and a member of Engineers Without Borders.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
Anne: I enjoy playing sports, especially volleyball and softball.
Austin: Basketball, woodworking, rebuilding an antique tractor (Allis Chalmers WD45), farming, hunting, trapshooting, and motorcycles.
Nathan: My favorite hobby is learning how to play the guitar. I also play a lot of basketball, watch baseball, and listen to a lot of old music.
Sam: Soccer, working out and being outdoors!
If you won a million dollars, what would be the first three things you purchase and why?
Anne: I would travel the world and donate to good causes.
Austin: Either invest it for a couple of years or…. preferably pay off college loans, build a house and a shop building, buy some farmland and equipment, pay back my parents for all they’ve invested in me, buy a Harley Davidson and Indian motorcycle, buy a truck, and do some traveling with my fiancée.
Nathan: If I won a million dollars I would finish my college degree, move out West and invest the rest.
Sam: If I won a million dollars I would first tithe to the church, pay off student loans, then save the remaining amount!