Barely meeting current demand, Frankfort’s Water Works system needed increased capacity to support potential development from the Indiana Department of Transportation’s planned expansion of State Road 28 stretching from Frankfort to I-65. Frankfort and Clinton County officials worked together to develop creative funding sources for four successful projects designed and administered concurrently by Wessler, including the Armstrong Road Water Treatment Plant, 12,000 linear feet of an 18-inch water main extension, a one-million-gallon composite water storage tank and water and sanitary sewer service to the residents of Jefferson.
The construction of the Armstrong Road Water Treatment Plant, Wells and East Plant Demolition Project included a new 6 million gallons per day (MGD) plant incorporating:
- Utility offices and conference room
- Two 2,100 gallons per minute (gpm) aerators
- Four 1,050 gpm horizontal pressure filters
- Four 1,050 gpm high-service pumps
- Chemical feed equipment
- Two 1,250 gpm supply wells with well houses
- Concrete detention and backwash tanks
- Lift Station
- Two standby generators
- Motor control center, electrical and SCADA
- Security system
- Site work
The Frankfort Water Works system operates on one pressure zone. Three elevated storage tanks are constructed at the same overflow elevation, and all supply wells are interconnected to provide raw water to both plants. To prevent flooding of either water treatment plant, the design utilized motor-operated valves installed on the inlet pipes of the aerators at each plant. The valves are programmed to constantly adjust, controlling the flow to each plant based on the water levels in each clearwell. Because of the deteriorating condition of the existing West Plant, the Armstrong Road Plant was designed to be readily upgradeable to a 9 MGD plant. Wessler’s design included strategic sizing and placement of piping and valves, additional building space and two steel ring “knock outs” cast in the building for two future 10-foot diameter filters.
The budget for the project and the 18-inch water main project was $7.9 million. Due to fast tracking and economic-driven competition, the total cost to Frankfort Water Works was $5.3 million for these projects, an astonishing $2.6 million under budget.
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