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Honeywell Environmental Services
ChemicoMays, Urbana, Ohio
The Wessler Engineering team partnered with ChemicoMays officials in Urbana, Ohio on various environmental services, with the initial tasks focusing on Honeywell Aerospace facilities:
- on-site inspection and regulatory review of current activities for the Honeywell facilities at Russell Street and Route 55
- updates and recommendations for the spill prevention, control and countermeasures (SPCC) plans at each site
- updates and recommendations for the stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP) at each site
- updates and recommendations for the hazardous waste contingency (HWC) plans at each site
- updates and recommendations for the hazardous materials security (HMS) plans at each site
- updates and recommendations for the toxic organic management plan (TOMP) and slug discharge control plan for the Russell Street site.
Miscellaneous regulatory interpretations and on-call compliance assistance also were part of the services Wessler staff provided.
Our Services
Preliminary Engineering and Studies
Biosolids Handling Evaluations
Co-Generation and Fats, Oils, & Grease Receiving Evaluations
Feasibility Studies
Master Planning and Facility Plans
Preliminary Engineering Reports (PER)
- Local Funding Format
- Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Funding Format
- Rural Development (RD) Funding Format
- State Revolving Fund (SRF) Funding Format
Design Services
Biosolids Dewatering & Handling Facilities
Expansion and Rehabilitation of Existing Wastewater Treatment Facilities
New Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Sludge Digestion and Class A Biosolids
Wastewater and CSO Pump Stations and Storage Facilities
Additional Services
Bidding Assistance
Construction Administration and Observation
Funding Guidance
Land Application Guidance Manuals
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Assistance
Post-Construction Warranty Assistance
Process Energy Audits
Sewer Use Ordinance Assistance
WWTP Operations and Maintenance Assistance
WWTP Optimization, Troubleshooting, and Compliance Assistance