Digester Renovation with Alternative Power Source
West Lafayette, Indiana
Wessler Engineering helped the City of West Lafayette utilize SRF financing to establish a Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) receiving facility and a Cogeneration Facility at its wastewater treatment plant. FOG receiving can generate up to an estimated 30% increase in methane gas production which is used to generate electricity, providing environmental as well as economic benefits. The City saved over $100,000 in 2011 by co-generating electricity and reducing natural gas consumption. Up to 25% of the plant's power needs are supplied by methane-generated electricity via the use of micro-turbine generation. Direct FOG injection also generates tipping fees, providing the City with a new revenue source. The City has also earned the U.S. EPA's Performance and Innovation in the SRF Creating Environmental Success (PISCES) award and was recognized as a “Green Power Partner” by the EPA in 2009 for reducing the carbon footprint by generating green power on-site.