Environmental Services and Permitting
Integrity Metals, Morristown, Indiana

Wessler provided Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Wetland Delineation for a 15-acre site. Wetland delineation was also provided for the property after review of aerial photographs and the Shelby County Soil Survey.
The delineation was completed in accordance with the procedures and documentation standards of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Once the site was selected and purchased by Integrity Metals, design, construction administration and inspection services were provided for the Site and Utility Improvements. The improvements incorporated utility service including water, sanitary, and electrical; site grading and drainage improvements including mass grading, topsoil removal, storm sewers, culverts, ditches, underdrains, and a detention pond; road and parking improvements including portland cement concrete access road, crushed stone access roads, and crushed stone parking areas; erosion and sediment control measures; and site cleaning.