U.S. 31 Corridor Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Project
Hamilton County, Indiana

Engineering services associated with the project management, establishment of a new regional water and sewer district, engineering studies, design, construction procurement coordination, construction administration, and construction observation in support of the installation of water and wastewater infrastructure along the US 31 corridor between 236th Street and 276th Street.
The infrastructure investment will place the initial potable water service and sanitary service in the four-square-mile area centered around the US 31 and 236th Street Interchange and then extend service north to the 276th Street Interchange. The placement of the initial infrastructure will create the ability to provide potable water and sanitary service to the existing homes in the area as well as provide the supporting infrastructure to support service to future customers. The infrastructure placement will consist of approximately 50,600 lineal feet (lf) of new water mains, one water storage tank and one pressure boosting station for potable water service and approximately 19,500 lf of new gravity sewers, four new lift stations, 30,600 lf of new forcemain and a 500,000 gallon per day wastewater treatment plant.
The project is anticipated to be delivered in two phases that are further divided into water and sanitary service. These phases are defined as Phase I – Bakers Corner Area (226th Street to 256th Street) and Phase II – 256th Street to 276th Street.