Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Study (MS4)
Bucyrus, Ohio

The City of Bucyrus currently has National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit coverage for stormwater discharge under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Phase II stormwater regulations. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) issued a new NPDES Permit (OHQ0000004) on April 1, 2021, requiring municipal officials to update their stormwater management programs (SWMP) and comply with additional requirements. Currently, Wessler staff is assisting Bucyrus officials with a comprehensive update to their Stormwater NPDES Phase II Program, including:
- virtual and in-person stormwater planning meetings with City department managers and those administering the program
- detailed summary sheets for all required best management practices (BMPs) including all permit requirements, decision processes and performance standards, as well as descriptions and tracking guidance for City staff
- assistance with updating the SWMP for all minimum control measures (public education and outreach, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site stormwater control, post-construction site stormwater management, and pollution prevention/good housekeeping)
- review of the City’s process for investigating, documenting and eliminating illicit discharges and creation of inspection forms and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for implementation by City staff
- updates to required ordinances (illicit discharge, construction and post-construction) to meet permit requirements and reflect the City’s needs
- site compliance evaluations of municipal facilities, assistance with recommendations for pollution prevention and good housekeeping measures and development of stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) for each facility.