State Road 26 Reconstruction
Howard County
The Wessler team provided design services to widen and reconstruct approximately seven miles of State Road 26 from the Clinton/Howard County line to just west of County Road 200 West (Dixon Road) in Howard County. The design work focused on the existing approaches of the State Road 26 and 200 West intersection, with State Road 26 pavement west of 200 West milled and resurfaced with hot mix asphalt (HMA) surface and widened.
The existing pavement on State Road 26 east of 200 West was replaced with new pavement due to the change in profile. The approaches on 200 West were milled and resurfaced, with left turn lanes constructed on all approaches. A right turn lane was provided on State Road 26’s westbound approach. Signage, pavement markings and the traffic signal also were replaced. New drives with culverts, slopes and ditches were constructed both to drain the project and provide an obstruction-free zone.