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Wellhead Protection Planning
Auburn, Indiana

The Wessler team has partnered with City of Auburn officials for the past several years on wellhead protection (WHP) planning. The water utility maintains two well fields that supply drinking water to utility customers. City officials must implement a wellhead protection plan to protect the underground aquifer from contamination. Wessler assists Auburn with the following services:
- facilitating and conducting an annual local planning team (LPT) meeting where the WHP plan is reviewed and implemented
- preparing notification letters to inform and educate potential contaminant sources
- assisting with public education efforts to promote pollution prevention practices
- updating the list of potential contaminant sources, agricultural landowners and septic systems within the WHP area
- updating the WHP contingency plan and distributing it to local responders to use for training
- reviewing well pumping data to determine if an update wellhead protection delineation is required preparing an implementation report due to the State every five years.